Hi, I'm Hannah,

and my cat's name is Special Agent Dale Cooper. He droools when he is very happy and at peace. My art practice, Catdroool started in the middle of the pandemic when I had more time to spend with myself. I'm a designer by day, so Catdroool allows me to break all the design rules I learned in school and make art from my heart.

My work focuses on themes of trauma, grief, healing, and joy. My main mediums are screen printing, riso prints, and relief printing. I'm always curious about exploring new methods. I also do photography and graphic design. You can check out that work here.

If you want to learn more about my art practice, read my interview with Title Magazine here.

If you want to work with me or commission me to make you art, fill out this form or reach out at catdroool@gmail.com.

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